
Youth Ambassadors Programme- Region of Murcia

Youth Ambassadors Programme- Region of Murcia

Youth Ambassadors is a programme to decentralise information by making it easier for young people to access it. The Programme is coordinated by the DG of Youth, Ministry of the Presidency, Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Region of Murcia.

Youth Ambassadors is a programme to decentralise information by making it easier for young people to access it. The Programme is coordinated by the General Directorate of Youth, Ministry of the Presidency, Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Region of Murcia.

The main focus of this programme is the youth ambassador, a young person who, voluntarily and responsibly, dedicates part of their free time to informing other young people in their educational facility or municipality. Part of their duties is to inform about opportunities and projects for young people in the Region of Murcia in collaboration with a municipal Youth Information Centre of the Region.

 The work of the youth ambassador is voluntary and produces a multiplying effect of information. Far from being mere messengers, they act as transmitters of information in a double sense: they collect the concerns and preferences of young people living in the area where they operate and attempt to provide them with timely information on these topics. They disseminate the information from young people to young people and collect the requests for information from their peers, then transfer them to the youth information services responsible for the programme.

 This year, in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM), the Resolution of the General Directorate of Youth approving the program "Youth Correspondents of the Region of Murcia" and the call for membership to it have been approved concerning the 2022-2023 academic year.

 From 18 to 20 November 2022, almost 100 young volunteers who have joined the Youth Ambassadors Programme of the Region of Murcia for this 2022-2023 school year participated in the training days of the programme.



Fuente: ERYICA

Fecha: 14/12/2022

  • Mundojoven